The decision to study in Germany is a quite good one, because the time abroad can give many positive experiences and memories.
If you want to do the whole Bachelor- or Master studies in Germany you need to apply the same way as the German students at the university you want to study. This can be quite confusing because there are many different application procedures depending on university and study program. According to this, one has to achieve different admission requirements, keep to different deadlines and submit different documents.
Therefore it is the first priority to check the webpage from the university or to call the responsible councelor to get the most important information. Which requirements have to be fulfilled, which specialities are there for international students and which documents need to be completed.
Applicants wanting to study at a university in Germany need a so-called "Hochschulzugangs-berechtigung" (HZB), or higher education entrance qualification. It is important to make sure that you are aware of the recognition requirements. If the certificate of education is recognized as a higher education entrance qualification in Germany, this recognition may apply for all courses (general qualification) or for certain courses (subject-specific qualification). Two to three semesters of study in the home country may be recognized as a higher education entrance qualification in Germany, depending on the country of origin.
If your international higher education entrance qualification does not directly qualify you for admission to study in Germany, you can participate in a preparatory course at a German university. This is where you, together with other international students, develop the technical and cultural requirements to successfully study in Germany. The preparatory courses offer different core subject areas, such as medicine, technology or economics. They generally end with the assessment test after one year. After successfully completing the assessment, graduates are permitted to study the subjects that correspond to the subject areas in the preparatory course anywhere in Germany. The “Studienkolleg” (preparatory course) websites for the German universities provide all the information you need.
The language of instruction at German universities is German in most courses. So you will need an adequate knowledge of German and must be able to demonstrate this knowledge in order to participate in the course. This does not generally apply for students in international courses or certain post-graduate courses.
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